CSGO Betting Tips Early 2021 Edition | How to Become Profitable at Esports Betting

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Hello and welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Hello and welcome to another CSGO betting guide! Since the first big CSGO events start in just a couple of days, I guess it’s time to share some last-minute CSGO betting tips with you fellas!

Another introductory CSGO betting piece for 2021. Is this one too many? I don’t think so… so here goes nothing fellas – three important 2021 CSGO betting tips everyone should know about by now!

CSGO Betting in 2021 | Crucial Tips

I know for a fact many people still don’t know the basics behind CSGO betting even though they’ve been actively investing in the industry for years on end. And while I do think that’s okay for people who are just casually investing small sums of money, if you’re in it for the big bucks, you should get informed ASAP!

The best way of being in the know is following the experts. I’m not trying to oversell myself, but I’ve been in the industry ever since its inception, and I know my bearings around the complex waters of CSGO betting.

If you’re willing to sit tight a bit and follow these 2021 CSGO betting tips, you might just learn something.

Don’t Give Up Too Easily

First things first – if you’re in it for the long run, you should not be taking a no for an answer. I don’t mean this literally – as the title suggests, don’t give up after suffering a couple of nasty losses. Things will get better eventually, you just have to stick through the tough times.

One thing you shouldn’t do is chase losses.

That’s one of the worst things you can do as an esports betting enthusiasts. It’s outright dangerous for your personal finances, so you better keep your betting record clean!

Explore Different Types of Betting Options

Another straightforward one – don’t just rely on match-winners. I know they’re the standard option you’re probably the most comfortable with, but oftentimes they don’t bring forth the greatest value. If you want the best out of your bets, no matter if we’re talking about singles or accumulators, experimenting with specials almost always pays off. Try them out; test the waters – you won’t be disappointed!

Don’t Bet on Your Favorite Team

This one kind of goes without saying – you’re not supposed to bet on your favorite team. It’s not some sort of superstition, the reasoning is much deeper than one might initially think. You see, betting on your favorite team is basically mixing your investment and your emotions. That’s not a good combination, so make sure you remember! Listen to our 2021 CSGO betting tips and you might just make it into the green!

Where to Bet on CSGO in 2021?

I see you’re interested in betting on CSGO in 2021… well, if you came here looking for more than just tips, if you came here looking for good platforms to bet on, this ought to be right up your alley!

Online Bookmakers

Obviously, the best places to bet on CSGO in 2021 are online bookmakers! But, that brings us to another question – which betting platforms are best for CSGO betting endeavors?

Unfortunately, that’s a complex question and it would take way too much space to give you a concrete answer.

The best thing we can do here is to point you in the right direction. In this case, that would be our in-depth guide on finding adequate sites for CSGO betting. Go ahead and check it out – you’ll love it!

Brick and Mortar Shops

Yep – believe it or not, esports betting tickets can be placed in brick-and-mortar shops. It’s not the most popular option, but it does exist and you should know about it! In case your internet connection dies; in case you are not able to log into your account, you can always go to a brick-and-mortar shop nearby to fulfill your esports betting craving!

Finally, let’s talk about the legal side of the story. As you all know, the esports betting industry is experiencing rapid growth! But, is it actually legal to bet on esports online? Well, that largely depends on your country of residence. While esports betting is legal in many countries worldwide, it’s always best to check with local governing bodies. That’s the safest route, for sure!

With those words, I’m ready to wrap this one up.

Thanks for sticking around – hope our 2021 CSGO betting tips will prove to be helpful!

Donnie out…

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Donnie Mitchell

Donnie hails from the Midwestern US and happily embraces the nerd stereotype. He likes writing about CS:GO, Overwatch, Fortnite, and anything esports-related, really. He also dabbles in the world of cryptocurrency and how that might tap into the esports betting world. Donnie stepped into the gambling side of esports just a few years back. Donnie is currently married and owns two large dogs, who may or may not be named after Mario and Luigi.

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