2021 LoL Worlds Day 3 Matches Preview & Betting Tips

League Of Legends 2021 World Championship

Day 3 of 2021 LoL Worlds is bound to deliver in every which way! So, as always, let’s take a closer look at all eight games and see which teams are favored and why — this is the point when betting makes the most sense as we finally have a solid enough sample size at our disposal. We’re at the halfway point of the Group Stage, and, needless to say, the pressure is starting to mount.

Teams can no longer afford to experiment and test their limits — now is the time to deliver as a single game can end up being the difference between advancing further and waiting things out on the sidelines.

And that’s especially true for teams like FunPlus Phoenix and Cloud9 (just to name a couple) who failed to start off the “right” way. If they don’t pick up the pace, they’ll almost surely be packing their bags and heading back home in just a couple of days.

In other words:
The margin for error is extremely slim, so you can expect everyone to be on their best behavior; teams will surely go for their biggest comfort picks and tried-and-true strats so as to stand the best chance of emerging victorious and eventually making it out of groups.

2021 LoL Worlds Group Stage | Day 3 Preview

What’ll happen, though, still remains to be seen — we’ve already witnessed a bunch of upsets (some of which made more sense than others), so just keep that in mind if you’re looking to put your hard-earned money on the line! There are never any guarantees when it comes to betting, and Day 3 of 2021 LoL Worlds should be no different in that regard!

Royal Never Give Up vs. Hanwha Life Esports

To start things off, we have a very interesting match-up between the 2021 Mid-Season Invitational champions and the fourth-best team from the LCK. Now, one thing became quite evident recently, and that is the fact that Hanwha’s beatdown of Fnatic wasn’t necessarily indicative of their immense strength, but rather of the tremendous regression the boys in black and orange went through with the loss of their starting ADC Elias “Upset” Lipp.

Such a thing was to be expected, which means that Hanwha are currently the third-best team in their group and will have to pull off a small miracle to make it out. They’re very capable, there’s no doubt about it, but other than their stellar mid laner and marksman, they don’t have much to work with.

Please Note:
Especially not against a giant like Royal Never Give Up, who, while certainly fallible, have earned their spot atop the group fair and square.

Expect a fairly competitive affair, but if RNG plays to the best of their ability, they’ll no doubt improve to 3W-0L with relative ease.

Royal Never Give Up!

MAD Lions vs. LNG Esports

Yet another barnburner in the making! Both teams are now 1W-1L, and have been quite inconsistent in their performances — they both had moments of brilliance and moments of absolute mediocrity as well. Fortunately, the latter, it seems like, can mostly be attributed to “stage fright.”

Now, with a bit more experience behind their belts, they’re starting to show their true colors — and boy have they impressed!

MAD Lions’ win over Gen.G was a bit more impressive in that regard, but the difference between them and LNG is as minute as it gets. We’re going with the LEC champions on this one, but it could really go either way.

MAD Lions!

FunPlus Phoenix vs. Rogue

The sheer fact that Rogue looked better and more consistent than the 2019 World Champions simply boggles the mind. The boys in blue were by no means going to beat DWG KIA, but they actually fought back valiantly and even had a couple of stellar moments, too — a total surprise, given the odds.

FunPlus, on the other hand, Fumbled and failed their way en route to a shaky win over Cloud9. It wasn’t a good showing by any stretch of the imagination, but at least they got the job done and were eventually able to regain composure and close things out. They’re still a competitive LoL behemoth and are surely aware of the many mistakes they’ve made, so we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on this one. With that being said, Rogue will not go down without a fight, and if FPX don’t step up, we might witness an upset for the ages here.

FunPlus Phoenix!

Fnatic vs. PSG Talon

What does even say about Fnatic at this point other than the fact that they’ve been dealt the absolute worst “hand” one can imagine? There’s just nothing to hope for, other than an upset further down the line. This venerable organization is known for pulling it together in the second phase of the Group Stage, but without Upset, by their side, there’s just no way they’ll be able to accomplish much, if anything at all.

PSG on the other hand:
They have all but solidified their spot as the second-best team in the group, and with a win over Fnatic, they’ll inch ever closer to making it out and writing a bit of history. It’s probably not going to come easy (it rarely does against Fnatic), but they simply have more tools to work with and have shown a lot more promise thus far.

The PCS champions might not be perfect when it comes to individual play and decision-making, but they’re definitely better than Fnatic at this point in time and should be able to prove it, too.

PSG Talon!

Gen.G vs. Team Liquid

Group D is basically wide open — everyone’s taking games off of each other, and there’s very little rhyme or reason behind what’s going on. Team Liquid’s game against LNG Esports was a far cry from their showing against MAD, and the same goes for their horrendous draft, too. We basically saw two entirely different shades of TL in the span of just two days which, in all fairness, was to be expected given their topsy-turvy run back on home soil.

Gen.G looked marginally better than MAD, but their play also left a lot to be desired. Still, they were by no means as egregious and ineffective as the former four-time LCS champions, so they’re still a shoo-in to make it out of groups until further notice.

Their position is not set in stone, though.

This game is completely up in the air, but Gen.G simply has to be favored — although they’ve yet to earn our benefit of the doubt.


DWG KIA vs. Cloud9

Based on all that we’ve seen thus far, DWG KIA and EDward Gaming are two of the best and most capable teams at this year’s Worlds.

DWG in particular:
Have basically steamrolled through their opposition, and there’s very little Cloud9 will be able to do — especially given their current, flawed form — so as to stand a chance of getting their hands raised.

DWG KIA are better in every way, shape, and form, and will surely deliver yet another masterclass performance at the expense of the 2021 LCS Spring Split champions.


EDward Gaming vs. DetonatioN FocusMe

Continuing the trend of one-sided beatdown, we have EDward Gaming vs. DetonatioN FocusMe. The LJL champions are simply out of their element, and we mean that , in general, , not just against EDG. They’re good, but just not good enough to compete with the who’s who of competitive League.

By the same token, they’ve earned their shot at playing on the biggest of stages, but have very few tools to work with and have been getting smacked around by basically everyone they’ve been scheduled to play against — even 100 Thieves.

By the same token, EDward Gaming are in a league of their own and will surely outclass DFM as much (if not even more) as T1 did on the first day of Group Stage play.

EDward Gaming!

T1 vs. 100 Thieves

Finally, to close things out, we have the venerable T1 facing off against 100 Thieves. Not exactly the most mind-blowing match-up at Worlds, but it’s not half-bad either. If the LCS champions draft for comfort and harness a bit of their inherent underdog status, they could definitely make things a bit more competitive than expected, but they really shouldn’t be able to do anything more than that.

T1 might not be as strong as they were “back in the day,” but they’re still a force to be reckoned with and are favored in this one for a reason.

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Elias Andrews

Elias identifies as more of an esports geek rather than a sports geek. While he enjoys playing tennis and enjoying the outdoors once in a while, he’s most comfortable in the darkness of his self-proclaimed “man cave.” When Elias isn’t partaking in anything himself, he enjoys writing about the nuances of the esports betting world, including covering controversial takes, where esports might be headed, and why bettors should get in on the industry while it’s growing.

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